Fuel pump refueling a motor boat.

Boat Refueling Tips

August 1, 2024 | How To | By: North Florida Yacht Sales

Fuel pump refueling a motor boat.Refueling your boat is not rocket science, but it is a little more complicated than refueling your car at the gas station. Following the correct procedure is essential to ensuring environmental safety and preserving the longevity of your boat. Read on for some refueling tips from North Florida Yacht Sales, and please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Prepare Your Boat for Refueling

Safety should always be the top priority when refueling your boat. Boats feature many cracks and crevices where spilled gas and vapors can collect, which may lead to an explosion. When you arrive at the fuel dock, ask your passengers to disembark, then turn off all your electrical equipment. Check the hose lines, engine fitting, and strainers for wear and tear. Finally, make sure all the doors, windows, and hatches are closed to prevent gas fumes from getting inside your boat. Once you have completed all these steps, you are ready to start refueling.

Choose the Correct Fuel Type

Make sure you understand which type of fuel your boat needs, and always stick to the fuel type recommended by the manufacturer. When the attendant at the fuel dock passes you the fuel nozzle, double-check to confirm that you are getting the correct fuel type for your boat. Keep in mind that using the wrong fuel type can cause extensive damage to your boat engine.

Listen Carefully to the Fuel Tank

Boat fuel tanks are typically irregular in shape, and this means that your fuel gauge may not be completely accurate. You are better off listening closely to the sound of fuel entering the tank, rather than relying on the fuel gauge to tell you when the tank is full. We also recommend never topping off your fuel tank. Taking these precautions will help you avoid a spill.

Take Responsibility for Spills

Hopefully, you will avoid spilling any fuel at the fuel dock. However, if it does happen, reach for a fuel-absorbent pad right away to start soaking up the spill. Then, alert the fuel dock attendants and assist them in cleaning up the fuel as much as possible.

You may have heard that dish soap will get rid of spilled fuel, but this is misleading. Dish soap only causes the fuel to condense and sink to the bottom of the water, where it can cause environmental harm for decades to come. Fuel dock attendants are trained to deal with spills, and they have the proper tools and procedures to minimize harm to the ecosystem.

Check for Fumes and Vapors

Once you have finished refueling your boat, check to make sure your boat is free of fumes and vapors. Turn on the boat blower for five minutes, and open all the doors, windows, and hatches to air out your boat. Open the engine hatch to check for fumes, and make sure there is no fuel inside the bilge. After performing these checks and addressing any issues or concerns, you can invite your passengers back on board and pull out of the fuel dock.

We hope you found this information helpful. If you need more advice on refueling your boat, we invite you to consult the experts here at North Florida Yacht Sales. North Florida Yacht Sales is your local boat dealer in Jacksonville, FL, serving Palm Coast and Lakeside.