High & Dry Indoor Boat Storage

Two people out on the lake water in a white and blue boat that they pulled out of high and dry boat storage

High & Dry Boat Storage Available in Jacksonville, FL 

North Florida Yacht Sales

After all you spent on your boat, don’t you want to keep it in pristine condition? The best way to keep your boat clean and beautiful is to store it High and Dry! We make dry storage easy at North Florida Yacht Sales, where we do so much more than sales! We also operate Goodby's Creek Marina on San Jose Boulevard south of downtown Jacksonville, Florida, just off the St. Johns River. We serve the surrounding boating community from Lakeside and all the way to Palm Coast.

Store Your Beloved Boat High and Dry

North Florida Yacht Sales aims to make boating fun and easy with all the services you need in one convenient location. One such service is dry storage of your boat. If you think part of the fun is maneuvering a trailer, driving your overloaded rig to a boat ramp, waiting in line, and finessing your beautiful boat into the water without any bumps or scrapes, go for it! But if you’d like to call our Dock Master and have us ease your boat gently into the water, and then move it back into storage when your outing is over, learn more about our High and Dry Boat Storage.

Details about our Dry Boat Storage

Two people riding in a sleek, black and white boat that they pulled from high and dry boat storage out on the lake

Our monthly rates for High and Dry boat storage start as low as $215 per month. Just call our main office for more information about rates. You don’t have to sign a long-term contract. This price includes unlimited launching and lifting. Take your boat out every day, more power to you! We also have wash racks and staging slips. A crane will gently lift and transport your vessel from the rack to the water, and back again. We’re open seven days a week, excluding Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

On-site services include: three large barns with month-to-month agreement, unlimited launch and retrieval, wash racks with hoses, ethanol-free fuel, staging docks with in-water overnight option. 

Why Is Dry Boat Storage Best?

Both sun and water cause wear and tear on boats. Even the most durable material eventually suffers from the damaging effects of ultraviolet light. If you can store your boat high and dry out of the sun and water spray, your upholstery will retain its color better and it will last longer. The same goes for any fabric or vinyl. Fiberglass also benefits from sun protection. Saltwater has erosive effects, and by not storing your boat in the water, it’s far less vulnerable to barnacles and other critters.

Benefits of High and Dry Boat Storage

High and dry boat storage at North Florida Yacht Sales is simple and seamless. Your low monthly fee includes unlimited lift and launch, and we don’t lock you into a long-term contract. You’ve got the direct number for our Dock Master’s cell phone (904-591-7099) so you can call ahead to schedule launching.

High and dry storage is the best way to keep your boat looking, working, and lasting its best. Dry storage has multiple benefits:

  • Ease of use: What’s easiest, calling the dockmaster to launch your boat and leaving it to them to wash it and return it to storage? Or hooking up a trailer, driving it through traffic, waiting in line to get to the ramp, backing it up in front of an unforgiving audience, then reversing it all at the end of the day, with a boat-washing event thrown in? 
  • When you sign up for High and Dry Storage, you will spend much more of your boating time actually on your boat! 
  • You’ll get your driveway/yard back: No matter how much you love your boat, it’s a big, bulky thing to store. Park it with us, and enjoy your yard again! Also, many HOAs or local ordinances forbid storing your boat in your driveway or yard. 
  • Save money: The expense of buying and maintaining a trailer, the extra gas, and the launch fees will all be history. You also won’t have to maintain the bottom of your boat as frequently.
  • Your boat is secure: We will keep a close eye on your boat, so it’s at less risk of theft and other mischief when not in use. 
  • It’s better for your vessel: Protection from UV rays and seawater will keep your gel coat, paint, wood, and canvas in much better shape for longer. 
  • Environmental benefit: Your bottom paint has pesticides in it to discourage barnacles and other growth. The less time your boat spends in the water, the less toxic chemicals leach into rivers or oceans.

Dry Stacked Storage at North Florida Yacht Sales

In addition to convenient storage, you have the benefit of our entire full-service marina, including a fuel dock with non-ethanol 89 octane fuel on the premises; Goodby’s Creek Marine Service providing certified marine repair; Quality Marine Electronics performing on-site service and installation; and Excel Fiberglass Repair and Detailing.